Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Fence update and call for help

I got an email from Margo that Carlos and his crew could start on the fence this weekend. She'll get more details after she hears back from Carlos. We are supposed to supply them with lunch. I don't yet know if they're just putting in the posts or if they will be there all day. With this short a notice, we'll probably have to go with take-out - Spanish or pizza as Margo suggested.

Ron will be marking the property line on Friday.

I have called Alberta One-Call to come and mark the utilities this Friday. I will find out after 4:00pm today when exactly they'll be there? Can some be there to meet them? I will try my best to be there, but I have a presentation at the library at the Leisure Centre from 12:30 to 2:30pm. I'll get back to you all when I know the exact time.

I have to be at an ecofair all the way in Arbour Lake on Saturday all afternoon so I can only be there during the morning. When I hear from Margo with more details, perhaps we can email the membership and get people to come out and help serve lunch or help out if Carlos needs it.


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